Friday, January 21, 2011

however far away...i will always love you robert smith

And now, as it is has safely arrived in SFCA, I can unveil my latest ::ahem:: masterpiece.  In order for you to replicate its awesomeness, you will need:

1.) An above average appreciation of the lyrical genius of Robert Smith;
2.) This amazingly awesome knit chart. (Thank you, thank you, thank you!);
3.) Perforated cross-stitch paper;
4.) A black Sharpie;
5.) Embroidery floss/needle;
6.) Patience, patience, patience (That's a lot of black)

I stumbled across the knit pattern while researching Cure-themed baby crafts (They don't exist yet... but they will). And since I can't /won't knit, I decided to try it as cross-stitch instead. I transferred the pattern to some perforated paper that I've had lying about for ages, and tried not to be TOO anal-retentive about copying it perfectly. I had to go all out with the sharpie once I realized the white paper peeked through the stitching. In the end I decided to use needlepoint stitching instead; both because it was more fresh in my mind and because I wanted to finish the thing within a reasonable time frame.

I originally underestimated the amount of black I'd need, which wouldn't have been a problem if 310 wasn't the shade of embroidery floss most likely to be out of stock at every major craft store in a 20 mile radius.  I wasn't entirely sure if I should go with red lips,  but in the end, I'm glad I did, mostly because it justified using a red mat  for the frame. I used a pre-cut mat, originally intending to cut it smaller by myself.... Just kidding. Instead I used photo squares, made black with my ever trusty Sharpie, and mounting it on TOP of the mat.

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