Monday, August 01, 2011

Ask And You Shall Receive

As previously mentioned, my parents asked that I make a toilet paper roll cover for their bathroom, patterns of which are not readily available.  My Dad's advice was, "You can do it, Em.  Be creative!"  Somehow I don't exactly see myself flexing my creativity muscles by designing a TP roll cover.  Plus, I'm still learning this knitting-in-the-round business.  I am not a master.  So, after much frustration, I finally found something decent by Anonymous Linda who uses a mini-cable pattern to fit a standard size roll.

The key here is the words "standard size."  Using TLC Essentials yarn in "serene" (what the hell kind of yarn color name is that?), I knit a TP roll cover that was too small.  Oops.  What's that they say?  "Never assume; you'll make an ass (out of ) u (and) me."  Or in this case, the toilet paper and me.  It's one-ply tissue, but I suppose it's the 1000 sheets that pushes it over the standard edge. Obviously, adjustments were needed.  Gah, why must there be so much math in knitting?!  I figured that the main difference would be in diameter rather than height, so I added the necessary number of cast-on stitches appropriate for the cabling pattern and the extra length.

When the second cover threatened being too short again, I pretty much said "Eff this shit!  I am NOT doing this a third time!"  It was time for some blocking.  I covered the TP roll with plastic wrap and tape, wet my cover, and stretched it over the roll.  TA DA!

1 comment:

  1. spinning fiber and can be found in many yarn shops, on eBay, and on etsy. You can also find handpainted and dyed versions of these fibers, including naturally dyed fibers. Sukkapuikot
